Bloom Women's Womb Toner and Cleansing Tonic


Bloom is an overall Women’s Tonic providing the female reproduction system with hormonal balance, toning, and cleansing benefits. Bloom can be used to assist with menstrual regulation and to minimize menopausal symptoms. Good for fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts and for any other conditions caused by dysregulated female hormones. Bloom is also great to cleanse the female reproductive organs, to prepare the body prior to conception and to restore balance after birthing.

Recommended dosage: 2oz daily or every other day.

Organic herbal blend: damiana, red raspberry, pau d' arco, black cohosh, vitex berry, dong quai, cinnamon, and cayenne.

16 ounce bottle.

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Since taking the Tonica Herbal Wellness Bloom Womb Toner and Cleanser I have had a period every month without the excruciating pain that was causing me to miss work a few days each month. Now hopes of becoming a mother are also high and as soon as my husband comes up from Jamaica we will start trying again and hope that after 3 years of trying we will now succeed. I have faith in the Tonica Herbal Wellness Bloom Womb Toner and Cleaner and hopefully will share my joy with Enchantment Industries in the new year." - Janet